Thursday, March 31, 2016

Did you know ? (127)

What Brocho do you make on wraps?
What Brocho is wraps ?

Some Poskim hold the Bracha on wraps filled with  vegetables etc. is Hamotzie.

According to Mori V'Rabi Harav Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita:

Wraps flavored with spices and thereby the colour  is green or orange etc., all will agree the Bracha  is Mezonos. ( אין לו תואר לחם)

Monday, March 28, 2016

Shtinkus Marinus #2

When the Torah gives the Simanim of סנפיר וקשקשת
it is referring to all animals of the sea not only fish.

(ויקרא י"א : י ) מכל שרץ המים ומכל נפש החיה אשר במים

Therefore the simple answer that the Shtinkus Marinus is not a fish won't suffice.

To be continued..............

Shtinkus Marinus-Reposted From Last Year

The Madanei Yom Tov*1  (Chulin 66b Rosh # 67 sk 5 ) writes, when he was Rov in Vienna,
R.Ahron Rofeh (Doctor) showed him a poisonous fish, caught off the Spanish Sea, called
“ Shtinkus Marinus”*2.  The fish has scales but no fins, instead of fins it has legs.

Chazal say (Mishna Niddah 51b) all fish with scales have fins.  R.Ahron R. Asked “ Do
we consider the legs as fins and therefore it is Kosher? If it is kosher, then the question is why would Hashem create  a Kosher poisonous fish?  If on the other hand the legs are not considered fins, then how do you reconcile  Chazal that all fish with scales must have fins.

*1 Also known as the Tosfos Yom Tov (R. Yom Tov Lipman Heller Wallerstein)

*2 In the Torah it says כל  אשר במים seems to indicate all sea animals with fins & scales are kosher.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Did He Die ?

האפי פורעם
Daf Hayomi Kidushin 13 b
Meinyonei D'Yoma, Purim

וקונה את עצמה בגט ובמיתת הבעל

The Chida (Birkei Yosef E.H.17) has a Shaila if the
wife of R.Zaira  (Rabbah Shechted him on Purim
and the following day Rabbah davened and brought
him back to life).required a new Kidushin from him.

Do we say,
a) since she is קונה את עצמה  with מיתת הבעל
therfore the original Kidushin has expired. The same
way as מחזיר את גרושתו needs a new Kidushin so too 
would R.Zaira's wife need a new Kidushin.

b) The din of  קונה את עצמה  with מיתת הבעל
is only when there is a final death. If the husband
is brought back to life (by a Nes) that type of a death 
doesn't cancel  the original Kidushin and there is no 
need for a new Kidushin.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Taanis Esther -What Are You Eating For Supper Tonight ?

Stuffed Cabbage
What's for supper tonight?

Meatless cabbage with rice.

The Rema (695 :2 ) writes to eat " מאכל זרעונים" 
( food with seeds) on Purim.

The Mekor Chaim writes it should be a Chashuva
food, therefore he recommends "rice"

 The Ben Ish Chai (P Tezaveh) writes to eat legumes.

The Divrei Yetziv (Klausenburg Rebbe zt"l) writes

"We have no such  Minhag of  מאכל זרעונים and
it's possible we don't eat it because it is a מאכל אבלים.

He writes that we fulfill the מאכל זרעונים by eating cabbage.
From the Rambam (כלאים פ"א ה"ח) it seems all 
vegetables (ירקות) are considered זרעונים

The Mishna Verurah writes to eat the זרעונים on  the 
first night.

The Mishna Verurah (Shar Hatzion 695 sk 12) quotes 
the Kol Bo "Some do not to eat meat on the first night of Purim so as not to confuse it with the Seudas Purim."

Monday, March 21, 2016

שושנת יעקב

Did you know ? (126)


The Mechaber of אשר הניא is unknown.
Its origin goes back at least to the times of
the Rishonim*

Shoshanas Yakov is part of the Piyut
אשר הניא (the last two stanzas ש+ת)

Special Segulah מסוגל מאד

The  Kav Hayoshor* (97)  writes that on Ta'anis Esther 
there is a special Segulah for our Tefilos to be accepted.

תענית אסתר כי יום זה הוא מסוגל מאוד שיקובל תפלתינו בזכות מרדכי ואסתר,"
וכל מי שצריך רחמים על איזה דבר שהוא צריך להתפלל יקח פנאי לעצמו ביום
התענית אסתר ויאמר תחלה מזמור כ״ב בספר תהלים ״אילת השחר, ודרשו
רז״ ל דאסתר היתה נקראת אילת השחר. ואח״כ ישפוך שיחו לפני ה׳ ויבקש
בקשתו ויזכיר זכות מרדכי ואסתר אשר בזכותם יעתר לו הקב״ה ויפתח לו שערי
"רחמים ותקובל תפלתו ברצון.

מוהר"ר צבי הירש קאיידנור זצ"ל

Forbidden to fast on the13th of Adar ???

The fast day of תענית אסתר on the 13th of Adar
is not mentioned in Bavli or Yerushalmi.

Before they abolished the  Megilas Ta'anis
it was even forbidden to fast on the 13th of Adar 
because the day before or after the 
Yomim Tovim mentioned in Megilas Tan'anis
(Purim Chanuka etc,) were also included 
in the days forbidden to fast.

The Rosh quotes the R.Tam "The only  סמך  (minor 
source) for fasting is from the Gemoro Megilah 2a
that says י"ג זמן קהלה לכל היא The R' Tam explains

they gather to say Selichos because of the fast day.

Gedolim Pictures

Daf Hashavua
Kidushin 8a

ל"א אלא כגון ר' כהנא דגברא רבה הוא
(רש"י) ולא אזיל בגילוי ראש

Today it is accepted (based on the Taz) 
by all Frum Yidden to wear a head cover 
(Yarmulka etc.) at all times.

Some Poskim held that it is only a Midas

Chasidus not to go Begilui Rosh.(Biur HaGra 8:6) 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Died Twice

ז' אדר  ב
             Read Here for a wonderful Pshat from the Malbim 

You got to know why

The Elyahu Rabah writes ,You have to know why

(he doesn't know)  on Parshas Shekalim & Chodesh

Piyutim are said twice, Shachris & Musaf, and Parshas

Zachor& Parah are said only once at Shachris ?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Meh Meh black sheep have you any wool?

ומה קול הצאן הזה באזני
(הפטרה שבת זכור)

In many Shuls the Minhag was [is] when saying "UMEH" to stress the word  U Meh to sound like sheep.

Don't forget

The Maharam Shick [Mitzva 605] writes that in a year where the upcoming year  will be a Shono Meuberes (leap year) The Chasam Sofer would be yotzei the Mitzvah of Zechiras Mechiyas Amalek , also when they leined the  Parshas Hashavua of Ki Seitzei.

His reason was, according to the Gemoro people forget after 12 months.

Therefore we have Parshas Zachor once a year, not to be Oiver the Lav of “Lo Tishkach”.   So as not to have from one Parshas Zachor to the following one, more than 12 months, he made sure (in a leap year) to have Kavana to be yotzei the Mitzva at the Keriah of the Parshas Hashavua and again on Parshas Zachor.

It is  interesting, in the Teshuvos (E.H. 1: 119) The Chasam Sofer writes that

"In a leap year Hashem changed the human nature and it takes 13 months to forget instead of 12 months"

Monday, March 14, 2016

זכר זכר או זכר ולא זכר*

זכר זכר או זכר ולא זכר*

There is a Machlokes between the Minchas Shai,who
says you are supposed to pronounce "Zeicher" with a
Tzeirei and the Heichel Habracha who holds to pronounce
it with a Segol, ," Zecher".

The Minhag is to read it twice, Zecher and  Zeicher.

The Ma'aseh Rav (134) writes The Gra originally
read "Zeicher". Later in life he changed
his mind and read Zecher..

It seems, that the Gra. would only read it one way  Zeicher
or Zeicher and not both.

*Zechor (remember) Zecher or Zeicher and not Zochor

clear understating (Kalir)

This coming Shabbos in the Yotzros 
Piyut of the Kalir starts with

 אָץ קוֹצֵץ בֶּן קוֹצֵץ / קְצוּצַי לְקַצֵּץ

 בְּדִבּוּר מְפוֹצֵץ / רְצוּצַי לְרוצץ

 לֵץ בְּבוֹאוֹ לְלוֹצֵץ /פֻּלַּץ וְנִתְלוֹצֵץ

  כְּעָץ מְחַצְּצִים לְחַצֵּץ / כְּנֵץ עַל יוֹנָה לְנַצֵּץ


אָץ- He rushed

קוֹצֵץ בֶּן קוֹצֵץ - The clipper* son of the clipper  (רשע בן רשע)

קְצוּצַי לְקַצֵּץ - The clipped to clip (Bnei Yisroel -  the harmed to harm)

בְּדִבּוּר מְפוֹצֵץ - with slander 

רְצוּצַי לְרוֹצֵץ - The crushed to crush (Bnei Yisroel)

לֵץ בְּבוֹאוֹ לְלוֹצֵץ - When the רשע came to do evil

פֻּלַּץ וְנִתְלוֹצֵץ - The evil turned back against him

כְּעָץ **מְחַצְּצִים לְחַצֵּץ - for wanting to shoot arrows on Bnei Yisroel

כְּנֵץ עַל יוֹנָה לְנַצֵּץ - and wanting to devour like a hawk the dove

*בדרך צחות barber
על פי שירת דבורה**

Friday, March 11, 2016

Special Dvar Torah for Litvaks

משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
Special Dvar Torah for Litvaks

The Tur (O.Ch.693) quotes R.Amram Gaon,
"The Minhag in the two Yeshivos was to say
Tachnun on Purim".

On Tisha B'av there is no Machlokes. We do not
say Tachnun because מיקרי מועד (it is called a  

Tisha B'av is more of a YomTov than Purim

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The real reason

The Krovetz LePurim  is  on every Bracha
of the Shmonei Esrei except on the Bracha
“Es Tzemach”.
 Some say, the reason for
this is, "All the wars were fought by Malchus
Bais Dovid except for Milchemes Amalek
which were fought by the grandchildren
of Rochel. Mordechai was Mesaken for
Shaul Hamelech's war on Agog.
Therefore we don’t mention the Nes
when saying Es Tzemach Dovid."

The truth is, Krovetz, were written not only 
for Purim.
There are Krovetz for Hoshana Rabah,
17th Tamuz , 10th Teves and 9thAv.
They all have no Krovetz  on Es Tzemach.

The Paytan for Krovetz was R, Elazar b Hakalir.
In his Piyutim he generally follows the
Yerushalmi over  Bavli.

According to the Yerushalmi , the
Bracha of Es Tzemach and Vilurushalayim
Ircha, are combined into one Bracha.

Hence, no Krovetz for Es Tzemach.

Do NOT Switch To Nusach Sefard

The Ibn Ezra (Koheles 5) criticizes the Piyutim of the Kalir.*
He has four main complaints against them. 

1) Most of them are Chidos (riddles) & Mosholim (parables) 

2) Instead of Loshon Hakodesh he mixes in Loshon Hatalmud

3) He invents words & uses improper Dikduk (poetic licence)

4) They are based on Medroshos & Agodos instead of Pshat

The Teshuvas Maharashdam (O..Ch 35) claims, 
The Sephardic Paytonim  have a simpler and easier
language. Everybody can understand the Piyut, whereas the
Ashkenazi Paytonim use difficult words and even the
Shatz (Chazzan) doesn't understand what he is saying.

He recommends Ashkenazim to switch to Nusach Sefard,
which is a superior Nusach.  He claims "Al Titosh Toras
Imecha is only applicable when there is a small Issur involved
 and not for changing a Nusach Hatefilah.

The Chasam Sofer (Hagohos O.Ch.68) writes that "the Mahrashdam
wasn't aware of the Magen Avraham (68) who writes. you are
not allowed to change the Nusach Hatefilah because
there are 12 gates in heaven, one for each Shevet. Each one 
has his own Minhag. The Yerushalmi says, they are all equal
you should not change from the Minhag of your fathers."

Had the Maharshdam been aware of this M.A., he wouldn't
have written what he wrote".

*R' Eliezer  Hakalir


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Did you know? (124)

The Chasam Sofer writes about a kabala He has from his Rebbe- Reb Mendele Lilig Zt"lwho had a Kabbala  from the Shev Yakov

 "Anybody who learns between the readings of the  night time Megillah and the daytime Megillah is guaranteed to be a Ben Olam Haba"

Monday, March 7, 2016

Did You Know (124)

Only Megilas Esther do Chazal refer to as a Megilah. 

The other 4 Megilos are never  referred by Chazal as a Megilah.

Did you know? (123)

According to the Rema (O.Ch.147:1) You should do Netilas Yodayim (wash hands) before you hold the Megilah in your hands.

Friday, March 4, 2016

How To Be Maavir Sidrah This Week

שמות ל"ו א)   ועשה* בצלאל

In the name of the M’hril Diskin it is said,

 “When you are Ma’avir Sidrah you should 
say in the Targum V’yabeid 
and not the way it is printed in the 
Chumashim** “ Vavad” 
otherwise you won’t be  Yotzei Shnayim Mikrah".

* incorrectly translated "HE DID" instead of 

**The new Oz Vehodor Chumashim corrected the
Targum to V'Yabeid

women davening Musaf .

The  Shu”t  R. Akiva Eiger (1- 9) quotes  the Besamim Rosh(89)
 “Since women  didn’t participate in the Machtzis  Hashekel 
(which went for Karbonos Tzibbur) therefore women are Patur 
(exempt) from Tefillas Musaf.  (They are Mechuyav (obligated) in
Shachris & Mincha because in those Tefillos  we ask for Rachamim)*1

Other Achronim *2  argue  on R.A.E. and say if this were true, then
men under 20 yrs., Kohanim &  Levi’im  according to those
who hold, are exempt from M.H. ,should also be Patur from Tefillas Musaf.

The publisher of the Besamim Rosh was R. Shaul Berlin son of R. Zvi Hirsh Berlin zt"l.
R. Shaul Berlin was a great Talmid Chacham but a Maskil.
He claimed to have found this Ksav Yad of R. Yitzchock d’Molino who compiled the Teshuvos from the Rosh.
 It didn’t take  long to discover that the Sefer was a forgery and not from the Rosh as R.S.B. claimed. 
There is a dispute if the whole Sefer is a forgery or only part of it and some Teshuvos are from the Rosh.

*1  Mishna Veruro 106 sk 4

*2 Magen Giborim

Gedolim Not Being Aware

Daf Hashavua
Gittin 81b

והאמר ר' יוחנן הלכה כסתם משנה
-אמוראי נינהו ואליבא דר' יוחנן

The Chasam Sofer (Shu"t E.H.2:71) explains
that all agree that R.Yochanan said Halacha
K'stam Mishna. The Talmidim argue if it is
also applicable when there is a Machlokeh
in a Breisa*.
According to Rabah B.B.Ch.. R.Yochanan
would agree that the Halacha is not like the
Stam Mishna. It is possible Rebbe wasn't aware
of the Machlokeh in the Breisa and had he known
of it he would not have paskened like the Stam.

The othe Amorei argues and holds even when
the Machlokeh is in a Breisa the Halacha is 
like the Stam because Rebbe knew of every
Machlokeh even if mentioned in a Breisa.

The Ch.S. continues that this Machlokeh is
only on Rebbe who was a Gavra Rabah
therefore one Amorei holds that Rebbe knew
every Shita. On other Gedolim, even the 
Amorei will agree that it is possible for 
them not being aware of 
another Shita and had they been aware of it 
they might have changed their mind.
(see Rema Ch.M. 25:2)

*"ובזה מיושב קושי' עצומה מה שמקשו מרבב"ח
(חולין מ"ג ע"א) דס"ל הלכה כסתם משנה נגד משנה אחריתי

Thursday, March 3, 2016


The original יוצרות for the ארבע פרשיות 
& Shabbos Hagadol start at  Birchas
 יוצר אור . 
In almost all Siddurim/Machzorim.
Yotzros for these Parshiyos start at  
Chazaras Hashatz.

The Satmarer Rebbe  zt"l (R.Yoel) held, 
even those Yotzros we  don't say 
should be left in the Siddurim/Machzorim. 
It is wrong, for the printers to remove


Don't mix up the Yotzros !

The proper term for the Piyutim  during 
Davening, are as follows,

The Piyut said before

 נשמת     is called נשמת 

יוצר is called  יוצר אור

אופן   is called  והאופנים 

 מאורה    is called    יוצר המאורות

אהבה   is called   הבוחר באהבה

 זולת      is called   ואין אלוהים זולתך

גאולה      is called    גאל ישראל

The Piyutim said during Chazaras 
Hashatz are called ( קרובות (קרובץ   
which have four parts מגן,מחיה,מי כמוך,
and סילוק the last one before 

The seven Piyutim during Chazaras 
Hashatz of Musaf are called שבעתא 

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