Monday, April 18, 2016

Did You Know (131)

One may not cook on Yom Tov for a Goy or a Mechallel Shabbos. For this reason one may invite a Goy on Yom Tov
 שמא ירבה בשבילו 

The Mishna Verura explains the Gezaira is he might
cook in a separate pot for the Goy

According to Mori V'rabi Harav Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita, inviting for Yom Tov  meals someone who went off the Derech and  is a  Mechalel Shabbos  (cannot be  considered תינוק שנשבה)   is problematic. 

Heating up water for a coffe/tea etc. on Yom Tov for them is definitely אסור .

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Good And The Bad

We find countless times, Chazal disclosing
the wrongs done by Bnei Yisroel and even 
individuals like נדב ואביהוא or Noach where 
there is a Machlokes if to be Doresh
Lignai or Lishvach. (צדיק -- בדרתיו)

In our case as well both the Yerushalmi and
Tanchuma have no problem disclosing
what the בנ"י said when they watched Moshe.

In the Tanchuma it is actually R.Yitzchok
Nafcha himself (who is the Doresh Lignai) 
disclosing what the בנ"י said (Fat legs etc.)

We must assume that for some reason when it
is part of Limud Hatorah. Chazal held there is no 
problem disclosing both the good and bad equally.

The point our Gemoro is trying to make is, when 
may one sit down after the Nasi passes by
This we learn from the Man Deomar who is Doresh 
Lishvach and they watched
for this reason Moshe walking into his tent.

Usually when the Gemoro quotes a Chazal to
prove a point The Gemoro quotes the complete
Chazal with all the details even if they are
not part of the proof.

In our case the Gemoro doesn't quote the complete
Chazal but tells you " כדאיתא  (the way it says in
Tanchuma/Yerushalmi) "

Rashi explains, the Gemoro omits this
part because it is דבר מגונה and not important 
for our Limud.

Rashi on the other who explains the word "כדאיתא" 
where does it say and what does it say.This is part
of Limud Hatorah to know what the Gemoro meant
with "כדאיתא" In this case of Limud it is perfectly O,K,

to disclose  both the good and bad equally.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Shabbos Hagodol Riddle

This coming Shabbos will be Shabbos Hagadol because of a נס that did not happen on Shabbos. ?

Which נס ??


Monday, April 11, 2016

To say or not to say Did you know? (130)

To say or not to say

There is a Machlokes if this coming Motzei Shabbos
you say ויהי נועם (YomTov starts on Shabbos)

The Pri Megodim & Mishna Verurah (295) hold to say
even though there are only 5 1/2 days of work
in the week. (Erev Pesach, in the afternoon Issur

The Shu"t Yavetz (19) holds not to say ויהי נועם  being 
it is Assur to do Melacha on Erev Pesach so we don't 

have ששת ימי המעשה 

Friday, April 8, 2016

How Can He Appear ?

The Gemoro (Eruvin 43a) assumes that  אליהו הנביא 
cannot appear on Shabbos or Yom Tov,
because of the Issur of Chutz L’tchum. 
(if Issur Techumin is למעלה מעשרה )

The Shu”t Chasam Sofer (Chelek 6-98) explains 
that there are two parts to .אליהו הנביא
His Guf (physical body) which is resting in Gan Eden 
Hatachton, in this world. The other
part is his Neshama, which went up to heaven 
and serves as a Malach.

As a Malach Habris (Not obligated in Mitzvos) 
he can appear even on Shabbos 

& Yom Tov. Therefore the Mohel can say 
עמוד על ימיני even on Shabbos & Yom Tov.

In the near future when he will notify us of the
 arrival of the Mashiach  he will appear
physically as a human being . In such a state 
he is Mechuyav in the Mitzvos and cannot
appear on Shabbos & Yom Tov.

The Aruch Hashulchan writes, The Minhag 
at שפוך חמתך is to open the door
to remind us that it's ליל שימורם. In that זכות,
 Mashiach will appear and will
be שופך חמתו on the( בבליים (גויים .

Poskim don't mention opening the 
door for אליהו הנביא . According to the
Chasam Sofer  אליהו הנביא  won't appear 
physically on Yom Tov and there is no
need to open the door for him*. The reason 
to open the door is like the AruchHashulchan 
writes" to remind us that it's  ליל שימורם  "

*For יציאת נשמה we do have a Minhag to open the window

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Did you know? (129)

The Mahril writes to look for a Sandek
who is an" Adam Kasher V’tov"  (honest
& good person )  so  that Eliyahu Hanavi 
will attend the Bris.

The Mahril seems to say, Eliyahu Hanavi
only attends  Brisos, where the Sandek is
an Adam Kasher V’tov.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Halo Dovor Hu

According to Kabbalah, the Birchas Hailonos should 
be said only in Chodesh Nissan.  According to Halacha, 
most Poskim hold  it is perfectly acceptable to make 
the Bracha in the months of Adar or Iyar.

In Shas Bavli & Yerushalmi, Zohar, Poskim 
Tur Sh. Aruch  and all Sidurim printed over 
300 years ago, the Nusach of the Bracha ends 
"Shelo Chisar Bo’olamo KLUM". Most Siddurim  today 

have the Nusach  "Shelo Chisar Bo'olamo DOVOR".

Picture Of The Yagid Olov Reio Matzeiva

Monday, April 4, 2016

The believable story

for part 1 see


The unbelievable story is not to be believed, because
If this or a similar  שאלה were to have been asked from any Rav,
there is no way the Rav would come up with such a odd Psak.

If the Chevra Kadisha accepted money for a specific plot
and then decides to cheat him, the onus is on the Chevra Kadisha
to do Teshuva by placing  him in the grave he originally  
purchased, regardless who is next to him.

There is no need for the Niftar to attend a Din Torah and there 
is no need for the Niftar to dig himself out of the old grave
and bury himself in the new one etc. 

The true* story , 

The Megaleh Amukos had a son R. Yitzchok who was Niftar at a young age (25yrs.). He was buried next to his father the Megale Amukos . Over the years his Matzeiva disintegrated.

The Chevra Kadisha decided to replace it with a new one.

The script on the old Matzeiva was illegible.Very little was known about him so they wrote on the Matzeiva "Yagid Olov Reio"

The fact that he was buried next to his great father proves he must have been a great man

* The Megale Amukos  edition published by Harav S. Hakohen Weiss zt"l
has a picture of the Yagid Olov Reio Matzeiva, taken before the  war. (WW2)  The name" R. Yitzchok "son of the Megale Amukos  is clearly  legible

This version of the story was supposedly recorded in the

Pinkas of the Krakower Chevra Kadisha

Did you know? (128)

Sefardim don't do a Bris on Thursday if it  is a Milah S'hlo Bizmano (3d day Shabbos)

Friday, April 1, 2016

פ"א-Parshas Porah

The Mechaber (O.Ch. 685:7) writes :

Some say that reading Parshas Zachor & Parshas Parah is Min Hatorah.

The Mishna Verurah writes that many Achronim argue and hold Parshas Parah is not Min Hatorah.

Tosfos (Brachos 13a & Megilla 17b) enumerates the times when Kerias Hatorah is Min Hatorah.
The original Girsa in Tosfos had Parshas Para as a Keriah Mideorysa.

The Maharshal removed from Tosfos "Parshas Parah"  and says it was  mistakenly put in.

The Mekor Baruch (R.Baruch Epstein z"l) writes it'spossible the mistake came about by Tosfos saying Parshas Zachor is Deorysa פ"א Tosfos meant. to read Parshas Zachor פעם אחת  once a year. 

People mistakenly thought it meant פרה אדומה

Yeshiva Bachurim & the army-What Did The Chasam Sofer Hold ?

Daf Hashavua
Kidushin  20 b

הואיל והלך זה ונעשה כומר לע"ז אימא לידחי

אבן אחר הנופל ת"ל אחרי נמכר גאולה תהיה לו

In the times of the Chasam Sofer , Governments 
used to impose  quotas on   the community.
to supply them with  young men for the military.

The selection of who to be or not to be drafted
were in the hands of the community leaders.

Historically there was a lot of corruption in selecting
who not to be drafted.

The Chasam Sofer (Shu"t 6:29) writes " Since the law 
of the land is for the community to supply the army 
with young  men. we have the rule of דינא דמלכותא 
and Halachically everybody is equally responsible
to serve.
We may not  give favoritism to some over others.Even
the lowlifes and non Frum Mechallei Shabbos etc.must
be given equality. Everybody Frum &
non Frum rich & poor  etc. are all
to be placed in the same  Goirol. (lottery) 

The Gemoro says that even if someone sells himself as 
a slave to the Avoda Zara we are obligated to redeem him
so for sure we can not send him to the Goyim (unless
his name came up in the Goirol.)

The only one exception are the Yeshiva Bachurim who
are exempt Midin Torah  from serving in the army.
(based on Bava Basra 8a )

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