Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Megilas Rus Yid

There was a person who was a שנה ופירש, (went off the Derech) because he was rejected in the Yeshiva he attended.
He ended up on the streets of Tel Aviv and somehow met up with R.Shlomo Carlebach zt"l there. 

R. Shlomo told him that there are two types of holy Yidden. One is the "מתן תורה Yid", the Yeshiva man, the Ben Torah
and then there is "מגילת רות Yid", the Giyores, the outsider, the reject etc. Both of them are very holy Yidden, but
the משיח will come from the מגילת רות Yid.

This person claims because of this conversation with R.Shlomo he returned to his roots. The מגילת רות Yid not only

brings the משיח but is also the מחיה המתים. He made him alive again by bringing him back to the fold.

Shlomo Carlebach -Toronto Circa 1980

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