Thursday, March 21, 2024

A Gift From Reb Moishe Feinstein To Reb Moshe Reichman

The רמ"א או"ח תרצ"ה:ב writes that Men should be sending משלוח מנות to men and women should be sending to women and not vice versa.

Having men sending משלוח מנות to women might create a problem of ספק קידושין if it was sent to a single woman [אלמנה]."

The ערוך השלחן adds an additional reason for not sending משלוח מנות to the opposite gender because by sending gifts to each other brings to improper קירוב דעת (close relations)

Rav Y.S. Elyashiv & R.S.Z. Auerbach zt"l  both hold that  a man or a woman may send משלוח מנות to a husband & wife or family with both genders.

A מעשה רב from R. Moishe Feinstein zt"l.

R. Moishe presented his Igros Moishe to Mr Moishe Reichmann zt"l and to his wife Mrs Leah Reichmann. (He inscribed both names in the Sefer)


לאות ברכה לידידות נאמנה ---- בשמחה לידידי עוז
מהר"ר משה רייכמאן שליט"א
ולרעיתו הכבודה ----- מרת לאה תחיה,
יתברכו בכל הטוב
והשלום האמתי והצלחה היותר גדולה
 -----בכל מעשיהם לתורה
ולאושר הגוף והנפש בזה ובבא
ולראות עונג ונחת מזרעם היקרים שיחיו
לתפארת בישראל

המחבר משה פיינשטיין
ז' שבט תשל"א

1 comment:

  1. Vilna Gaon, Biur HaGra commentary
    on Mishlei, chapter 12, verse 5:

    [Truly] righteous people do not [even]
    think about planning to do forbidden things.


    Vilna Gaon, Biur HaGra commentary
    on Mishlei, chapter 12, verse 7:

    When G_D rescues them [the righteous], it is
    not sufficient that the righteous are saved.

    Additionally, what they [the wicked]
    planned to do, it happens to them instead.


    Mr. Daniel Byman said:

    “...roughly half of Palestinians say it
    [suicide bombing] is at least sometimes justified...”

    SOURCE: Al Qaeda, the Islamic State,
    and the Global Jihadist Movement: What Everyone
    Needs to Know
    (chapter 3, page 56)
    by Daniel Byman, Oxford University Press, year 2015,
    ISBN: 019021726X (paperback) ISBN: 9780190217266
    (paperback) ISBN: 0190217251 ISBN: 9780190217259


    Mr. Dennis Prager said:

    “According to Pew Research, approximately
    10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable
    opinion of the Islamic State and terror against
    civilians. That's more than 100 million people.”

    SOURCE: The World Is Getting Worse
    But This Time America Won't Save It

    by Dennis Prager, 2016 March 8,
    seen in Jewish World Review


    42% of French Muslims between from age 18 to 29 believe
    that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

    35% of British Muslims between from age 18 to 29 believe
    that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

    26% of American Muslims between from age 18 to 29
    believe that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

    SOURCE: By the Numbers, a YouTube video
    by Raheel Raza, 2015 December 10


    The Myth of the Tiny
    Radical Muslim Minority

    (a YouTube video by Mr. Ben Shapiro)


    Where Are the Moderate Muslims?
    (a YouTube video by Mr. Hussein Aboubakr and Prager U)


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