ומי כעמך ישראל

אשמנו מכל עם-
ומי כעמך ישראל

R.Levi Yitzchok Berditchever zt"l, the defender
of Klall Yisroel, said  
(Drush) אשמנו we are guilty but it's not 
our fault - מכל עם  it is the fault of all the other 
nations. They are the cause of our sins.
We have 613 Mitzvos as opposed to the Goyim
who have only 7. Therefore we transgress more
Mitzvohs than the Goyim. It doesn't mean we are ח"ו
worse than them.We do way more Mitzvohs
and Ma'asim Tovim. (unknown)
אשמנו is not part of the Vidui,(confession) it's a statement to
Hashem.  No other nation has suffered as much as 
the Jewish nation. We have been punished and treated
as if, we were the guiltiest of all nations.
After having said the Vidui (אשמנו בגדנו ) we claim to Hashem
we indeed have sinned , however, we have been punished

* heard in the name of the Lutzker Rav R.Zalmen Sorotzkin zt"l

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