How Old Was Rivka Its A Befeirushe Tosfos

A Befeirushe Tosfos

Tosfos (DH Vechein Hu- Yevamos 61b) quotes 
Harav Shmuel Chasid Mi Shapira* (Speyer) who 
calculated according to the Sifri, Rivka was 12 years
old when she married Yitzchok.

Tosfos concludes that there are מדרשות חלוקים 
because according to the סדר עולם she was 3 years

R. Shmuel Hachasid was one of the first 
Chasidei Ashkenaz (Kabbalist) He was the 
father of R Yehuda Hachasid and supposedly
wrote the first few Perakim of Sefer Chasidim.

He was also the author of the שיר היחוד


  1. According to the more meduyak manuscripts of Seder Olam Rivka was 14 when she married.

  2. In my Tosfos it says 14 years old - not 12!


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