Rosh Hashana Quiz-Lekovod Tu Bishvat

Rosh Hashana Quiz-Lekovod Tu Bishvat

1) When is Rosh Hashana for the trees?
2) Which Minhag, started by the Ashkenazim and later adopted by the Sefardim?
3) How many times is Rosh Hashana mentioned in Tanach ?
4) When do we have Rosh Hashana on the 10th of Tishrei ?
1) When is Rosh Hashana for the trees?

a) 1st  Tishrei-  Shemitta & Neta Revai
b) 1st  Shvat-Bais Shamai, b'mokom Bais Hillel eino Mishna
c) 15th Shvat- Ma'asros & Orlah (Bais Hillel)

2) Which Minhag did the Sefardim adopt from the Ashkenazim?
Eating lots of fruits on Tu B'shvat is a Minhag Ashkenazim (Mogen Avraham  131 sk 16)

3) How many times is Rosh Hashana mentioned in Tanach ?
Rosh Hashana is mentioned only once in Tanach. (Yechezkal 40: 1)

there it says on the 10th of the month (Tishrei)

4) When do we have Rosh Hashana on the 10th of Tishrei ?

 On Yoval. Rosh Hashana is on the 10th of Tishrei ( Eirchin 12a, Rashi Yechezkal 40: 1)

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