Why Is This Night Different From All Other Nights

לז"נ הרב משה בן שלמה אלון קלוורי זצ"ל
יום השנה הראשונה ט' ניסן

The only Shabbos* in the year ( only once every few years) when the Birchos מעין שבע is not said in Shul is on first days Pesach**.(ליל שימורים )

*O.Ch. 487:1
** The Kaf Hachayim brings a Minhag where they do
say it even on first days Pesach

   Rabbi Moishe Alon zt"l was a Rav & Marbitz Torah in Hamilton Ontario & Syracuse N.Y. He then settled in Toronto for the Chinuch of his children. He lived in the world of Torah, Chesed, and service to Klal Yisroel. His Emunas Chachamim was total, the counsel of Gedolim was his guide. He supported Mosdos Hatorah in Toronto and worldwide. He helped countless individuals warmly, wisely, and generously. He had a heart of gold always doing favors to others.

He was Zoche in his lifetime to see בנים ובני בנים עוסקים בתורה ויראה many of whom are Gedolei HaTorah. יהא זכרו ברוך

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