Friday, April 12, 2019

It happened not on Shabbos

This coming Shabbos will be Shabbos Hagadol
because of a נס that did not happen on Shabbos.
Which Neis ?

Because the נס of crossing the Yarden
didn't happen on a Shabbos, we have
Shabbos Hagadol.

The ב"ח (O.Ch.430) writes:
 why  do we commemorate the נס
(sheep tied to bed ) on Shabbos instead of  the tenth of Nissan.

He explains so as not to confuse it with
a different נס that also happened
on the tenth of Nissan.  The crossing of the
Yarden happened on the tenth of Nissan but
not on Shabbos. 

By commemorating the נס
(sheep tied to bed ) always on Shabbos
and not on the10th of Nissan
no one will think we are celebrating because
of the נס of crossing the Yarden.

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