eating cuticles


Parshas Hashavua ראה

Which animal may you only 

a) eat its meat but not drink its milk

פסולי המוקדשין שנפדו
Kodshim that became Pasul and was redeemed
may only be Shechted and its meat eaten. One
may not keep it alive for its milk or wool 

תזבח ואכלת - אין לך בהם היתר גיזה וחלב

b) drink its milk but not eat its meat.

One may drink human milk (פרוש- milk in a cup)
There is a מחלוקת ראשונים if eating human flesh
is a איסור דאורייתא או איסור דרבנן.

Mori V'Rabi Harav Hagaon R.Shlomo Miller Shlita said.
Those who bite and swallow their cuticles might
be עובר על איסור דאורייתא according to the שיטות that
hold eating human flesh and חצי שיעור are אסור מדאורייתא


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